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Have You seen this man? Coach you...I will

Coaches around the globe rely on me for cutting edge expertise in behavioral and cultural change, consulting, Coaching, and Athletic Development and Inspiration.  I specialize in assisting coaches of top university and high school athletic teams to develop a competitive advantage through cultural change and leadership development.  Coaches find that peer coaching and leadership development training they get out working with KASA has a profound effect on their growth as a leader. Not surprisingly, our coaches soon discover that their teams also experience significant growth as a direct result of the executive leadership coaching provided by KASA.

My system works because in every team and in every meeting, no topic is off-limits. If coaches are willing to talk candidly about the tough decisions you face, fellow members will rally around you, listen, ask tough questions and bring to bear every resource they have to help you grow as a leader and improve the workings of your business. When coaches have access to new perspectives – whether from fellow coaches, an outside facilitator, or expert resource speakers – they expand their view beyond their team's walls in a way that traditional coaching and leadership training just can't offer.

The role of a KASA is to ensure that every bit of coaching experience and wisdom is applied in each and every meeting. I have lived through the day-to-day complexities and challenges of being the person at the top. They have experienced the intense highs and lows of having the ultimate responsibility for an team. I have personally sacrificed time, money and in some cases relationships to drive a team to success.

Traditional coaching programs and consulting firms focus on one-time training workshops or leadership development retreats. KASA's approach is about combining cultural change and simple easy to use tools by combining peer advisory and coaching to impact the lives of athletic coaches both personally and professionally.

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